Tag Archives: future goal

Lose 20 Lbs or 25 Lbs?

When you’re ready to lose weight, do you know how much? Do you use the wait and see approach or do you know exactly? You know and I know the ones that will lose the weight know exactly how much they want to lose and they lose it.

Now how you go about it may not be perfectly clear but knowing how much is the critical first step.

Because you’re giving the inner mind something to work with, something definite. You see this is the language it understands, being literal. Now it has it’s blueprint. When you say, “gee, I would like to lose weight”, the inner mind has no idea how much so it just bounces off one idea to the next.

When you say, “I’m going to lose 25lbs, in a safe amount of time and I’m going to wear that blue dress that’s hanging in the back of the closet.” Now we got something definite.

Start engaging all the senses in seeing the future you, or feeling the future you. Hearing what people will say, but most important feeling that inner gusto of achieving your goal. Kind of like melding the future you into who you are now. “Think from it, not of it.”

How it happens is where hypnosis and your inner mind comes in to make it an easier journey.

The best way to make it happen quickly is to have a clear picture or feeling and know exactly how much you’re going to lose. It’s that simple, and you know the old saying, the journey of 1000 miles begins with the first step…enjoy your journey!

weight loss stop smoking