Napoleon Hill Directing the sub-conscious

Jasbales on Youtube has posted this dated video of Napoleon Hill. He is the man that wrote ” Think and Grow Rich”. What I would like to focus on in this rare video is how he talks about controlling your own mind and the advantages of doing this.

I would like to break it down further and apply it to something like ” being smoke free” for example or “losing weight”. Not that the bigger picture that he talks about is not important but sometimes when you use your own mind to overcome bad habits, this can be a stepping stone to the larger picture.

Writing things down for example is an excellent way for the inner mind to get it’s blueprint. As I tell all my clients, “you know what you don’t want, tell the inner mind what you do want”. Armed with this information the inner mind starts finding solutions to a pressing problem like smoking.

To find what you do want you have to use your imagination. This is an important key to hypnosis. The inner mind responds, whether the concept is real or imagined. Think about this for a moment.

If you can see, feel, hear, smell what it would like to be smoke free, or be at that perfect weight , this is the new you. The you of the future, and by using hypnosis you can speed up this process to where you are thinking “from” the future, not “of it”.

2 thoughts on “Napoleon Hill Directing the sub-conscious

  1. Bruce Marchetta PMA

    I read the above comments, and smilialr statements from many Self Heop books including “The Secret”. I am wondering why (but I Believe I know the answer) the term INNER MIND or THE POWER (?)WITHIN but really does read I think the real meaning the SUBCONSCIOUS. I was watching the Sinatra’s movie “The Manchurian Candiate” and I realized the term used was ‘UNCONSCIOUS’ conditioning (not subconsconscious). it the meaning subconscious taboo? Or is it the answer to achievement?

  2. Bruce Marchetta PMA

    I read the above comments, and smiliar statements from many Self Help books including “The Secret”. I am wondering why (but I Believe I know the answer) the term INNER MIND or THE POWER (?)WITHIN is used but I think the real meaning the SUBCONSCIOUS. I was watching the Sinatra’s movie “The Manchurian Candiate” and I realized the term used was ‘UNCONSCIOUS’ conditioning (not subconsconscious). it the meaning subconscious taboo? Or is it the answer to achievement? By the way N. Hill does not directly refer to the subconscious either?

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